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History of the Koh-I-Noor Diamond

Our restaurant is named after the world known precious diamond, Kohinoor. It is the jewel which sits in the queen’s crown and has a huge story behind it. The Kohinoor diamond is one of the most famous diamonds in the world. Below are a few facts about the world famous diamond:


  • It was discovered in the 13th century when it was mined from the Golconda region of Andhra Pradesh during the Kakatiya dynasty reign.

  • The diamond was first mentioned more than 5000 years ago, in a Sanskrit script, where it was called the Syamantaka.

  • Originally the diamond was 793 carats. However, over the years it has been cut down.

  • A Hindu text from 1306 states that the Kohinoor diamond should only be worn by a female, and if a male was to wear it, they will be brought misfortune

  • Duleep Singh was the man who handed the Kohinoor diamond over to the British Empire.

  • In 1852, Prince Albert felt unsatisfied with its dull and irregular shape of the diamond, ordered it cut down from 186 carats.

  • The Kohinoor diamond may also be referred to as the Mountain of Light.

  • It is now 105.6 carats after being cut down various times and now only weights 21.6 grams.




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